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EVBA Inclement Weather Policy

Most indoor cancellations occur during the winter months. If the Snow Emergency Plan
is in effect, all programs in schools are cancelled. If the Snow Emergency Plan is not in
effect, the following procedure will be followed:

WEEKDAYS: If schools have been closed, all programs in schools are cancelled. If
schools are dismissed early, all evening programs are cancelled. A cancellation notice will be placed on the Edina School District’s website as soon as possible for indoor usage for the remainder of the day.

WEEKENDS: Most tournaments and league matches are held regardless of the
weather. Each team should confer by telephone tree and determine how many players will be able to attend a tournament or match when the weather is inclement.

Game times for tournaments and leagues may be adjusted in the event of inclement
weather. Teams should refer to their league schedule for the Inclement Weather Policy
for their specific tournament or league.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to use their own discretion whether to allow their
child to participate under questionable weather-related conditions. Be realistic about
weather conditions. Leave plenty of time to get to your destination. When in doubt, sit
it out.

When the weather is inclement and a player does not attend a practice or match,
the player will not be penalized for an unexcused absence.